Night of the Chicken – Episode 3 – Revenge of the Angry Booger

Being a teenage werechicken is hard to begin with. But when you throw bullies, unflattering outfits, and a dangerous feline into the mix, life can get pretty “fowl.”

This is episode 3… THE REBOOT!

This episode was performed live at Space 55 in February and March of 2020. Sadly, we had to end this run early due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Written by Carrie Behrens
Directed by Kim Porter

Featuring the voice talents of…
Sarah Starling as Andi Hafferton
Shawn Collins as Matt, Janitor Jamm and Reggie Funkhouser
Javier Gilmore as Mr.K, Dad, Goundskeeper Carl, Lady Grimalkin, Dominic and Farko
BJ Garrett as Jay Travers, the Other Dad, and Mr. Sprocket
Amy Carpenter as Principal Ludwig, Lottie the Lunchlady, Melissa Bickers, Tatiana and Reggie’s Mom
Marisol Chavez as Bitzi, Reggie’s Dad, Becca, Mrs. Herkle-Merkle, and Ruthie

Live sound effects were performed by Aleksandra Hollis and Carrie Behrens.
Christian Baum was the stage manager and tech operator.